+++ title = "DNS Witch" sort_by = "weight" +++ # DNS Witch **Juice** is an intuitive, elegant, and responsive Zola theme for product sites. - Build for product sites - Simple and intuitive structure - Clean and elegant design - Responsive and mobile device compatible - Customize and extend friendly # Installation > **Zola** is a prerequisite. Please refer to the [Zola installation](https://www.getzola.org/documentation/getting-started/installation/) docs. First download this theme to your `themes` directory: ```bash $ cd themes $ git clone https://github.com/huhu/juice.git ``` or add as a submodule ```bash $ git submodule add https://github.com/huhu/juice themes/juice ``` and then enable it in your `config.toml`: ```toml theme = "juice" ``` # Structure ### Hero **Juice** is designed for product websites, hence we let **hero** part fills whole of screen. You can customize your **hero** by using `hero` block in the `templates/index.html`. ```html {% extends "juice/templates/index.html" %} {% block hero %}
Your cool hero html...
{% endblock hero %} ``` ### Page Every markdown file located in `content` directory will become a **Page**. There also will display as a navigate link on the top-right corner. You can change the frontmatter's `weight` value to sort the order (ascending order). ``` +++ title = "Changelog" description = "Changelog" weight = 2 +++ ``` ### CSS variables You can override theme variable by creating a file named `_variables.html` in your `templates` directory. ```html ``` ### Favicon ```html {% extends "juice/templates/index.html" %} {% block favicon %} {% endblock favicon %} ``` # Configuration You can customize some builtin property in `config.toml` file: ```toml [extra] juice_logo_name = "Juice" juice_logo_path = "juice.svg" juice_extra_menu = [ { title = "Github", link = "https://github.com/huhu/juice"} ] repository_url = "https://github.com/huhu/juice" ``` # Shortcodes **Juice** have some builtin shortcodes available in `templates/shortcodes` directory. - `issue(id)` - A shortcode to render issue url, e.g. `issue(id=1)` would render to the link `https://github.com/huhu/juice/issue/1`. > The `repository_url` is required. # Showcases Please see the [showcases page](/showcases). # Contributing Thank you very much for considering contributing to this project! We appreciate any form of contribution: - New issues (feature requests, bug reports, questions, ideas, ...) - Pull requests (documentation improvements, code improvements, new features, ...)