DNS Witch Service
@ -1,22 +1,24 @@
# The URL the site will be built for
# The URL the site will be built for
base_url = "https://dns-witch.eu.org"
base_url = "https://dns-witch.net.eu.org"
title = "DNS Witch Collective"
# The site title and description; used in feeds by default.
title = "DNS Witch"
description = ""
# Whether to automatically compile all Sass files in the sass directory
# Whether to automatically compile all Sass files in the sass directory
compile_sass = true
compile_sass = true
# Whether to do syntax highlighting
# Theme can be customised by setting the `highlight_theme` variable to a theme supported by Zola
highlight_code = true
# Whether to build a search index to be used later on by a JavaScript library
# Whether to build a search index to be used later on by a JavaScript library
build_search_index = false
build_search_index = true
theme = "juice"
theme = "juice"
# Whether to do syntax highlighting
# Theme can be customised by setting the `highlight_theme` variable to a theme supported by Zola
highlight_code = false
# Put all your custom variables here
# Put all your custom variables here
juice_logo_name = "Collectif DNS Witch"
juice_logo_name = "DNS Witch"
juice_logo_path = "/img/icon.svg"
juice_logo_path = "/images/witch-svgrepo-com.svg"
repository_url = "https://git.familier.net.eu.org/dns-witch/dns-witch.eu.org.git"
@ -1,18 +1,39 @@
title = "DNS Witch"
title = "DNS Witch"
sort_by = "weight"
sort_by = "weight"
# DNS Witch
# DNS Witch
**DNS** Witch est un collectif de bénévoles souhaitant rendre accessibles des services liés à Internet.
## C’est quoi
DNS Witch est un service tenu bénévolement, qui propose de gérer pour vous la [zone DNS](https://yunohost.org/#/dns_config) de votre domaine .eu.org.
# La praxis
# Pourquoi ?
Il existe plusieurs initiatives ayant pour but de rendre aux citoyens·citoyennes des espaces libres et gratuits sur Internet. Cependant, une bonne partie de ces services ne sont accessibles qu’à des personnes ayant déjà les connaissances techniques requises ou le temps de les acquérir. Les projets menés par le collectif sont conçus pour se positionner entre les utilisateurs·utilisatrices et les offres disponibles, afin de leur en faciliter l’accès. Opérant sur notre temps libre, nous essayons de mettre en place des solutions simples, demandant peu de maintenance.
[EU.org](https://nic.eu.org/fr/) propose des domaines gratuits en déléguant la gestion de ces derniers à l’utilisateur·utilisatrice. L’accessibilité d’un .eu.org est donc limitée à un petit groupe de personnes possédant les connaissances techniques nécessaires, ainsi que les ressources en matériel et en temps.
# Les services
Dans l’idée d’initiatives telles que [Yunohost](https://yunohost.org), la volonté derrière DNS Witch est d’agrandir l’accessibilité du service proposé par EU.org, en prenant en charge la partie la plus technique.
## DNS Witch, des noms de domaines pour toustes
Actuellement, le projet sur lequel nous travaillons le plus est DNS Witch, qui offre aux personnes sans bagage technique la possibilité d’obtenir des noms de domaines gratuits.
## Grimoire
# Pour qui ?
Nous travaillons également sur un second projet, Grimoire, une plateforme d’hébergement de sites statiques.
Tout le monde, de la personne lambda, à un·une technicien·technicienne qui souhaiterait avoir un nom de domaine sans y passer trop de temps. Les associations et autres structures non-lucratives sont également les bienvenues.
# Comment ?
En mutualisant une zone faisant autorité, afin de gérer plusieurs noms de domaines aux propriétaires différents sur un seul serveur de noms.
L’assistance technique est faite en s’appuyant sur de la documentation déjà existante, afin de gagner le maximum de temps et d’efficacité pour répondre au mieux à toutes les requêtes.
# Inscription
Pour profiter des services de DNS Witch, envoyez un mail à l’adresse que vous trouverez en suivant [ce lien](https://mailhide.io/e/5uzrCRSV). Pour vous faciliter la rédaction du mail, nous vous invitons à suivre le format ci-dessous. Nous vous rappelons qu’en tant que propriétaire d’un domaine .eu.org, il est nécessaire que vous suiviez [la charte de EU.org](https://nic.eu.org/fr/policy.html).
> ## Informations techniques
> - Domaine souhaité
> - Adresse IP vers laquelle le domaine doit pointer (si plusieurs adresses, les séparer par un /)
> - Uniquement pour les serveurs Yunohost, un copié-collé des lignes obtenues en suivant [cette documentation](https://yunohost.org/fr/dns_config?q=%2Fdns_config#configuration-dns-recommand%C3%A9e)
> ## Informations de contact
> - Prénom Nom*
> - Adresse postale*
> - Adresse email
> - Numéro de téléphone*
\* informations facultatives
Nous nous chargerons d’enregistrer au plus vite votre nom de domaine sur [EU.org](https://nic.eu.org/fr). Ce service étant bénévole, il est possible qu’un délai de quelques heures s’applique entre l’envoi de votre mail et le traitement de votre requête.
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@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ theme = "juice"
You can customize your **hero** by using `hero` block in the `index.html`.
You can customize your **hero** by using `hero` block in the `index.html`.
{% extends "juice/templates/index.html" %}
{% block hero %}
{% block hero %}
Your cool hero html...
Your cool hero html...
@ -85,15 +84,6 @@ You can override theme variable by creating a file named `_variables.html` in yo
### Favicon
{% extends "juice/templates/index.html" %}
{% block favicon %}
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/favicon.ico">
{% endblock favicon %}
# Configuration
# Configuration
You can customize some builtin property in `config.toml` file:
You can customize some builtin property in `config.toml` file:
@ -105,20 +95,11 @@ juice_logo_path = "juice.svg"
juice_extra_menu = [
juice_extra_menu = [
{ title = "Github", link = "https://github.com/huhu/juice"}
{ title = "Github", link = "https://github.com/huhu/juice"}
repository_url = "https://github.com/huhu/juice"
# Shortcodes
**Juice** have some builtin shortcodes available in `templates/shortcodes` directory.
- `issue(id)` - A shortcode to render issue url, e.g. `issue(id=1)` would render to the link `https://github.com/huhu/juice/issue/1`.
> The `repository_url` is required.
# Showcases
# Showcases
Please see the [showcases page](https://juice.huhu.io/showcases).
Please see the [showcases page](/showcases).
# Contributing
# Contributing
@ -6,20 +6,18 @@ title = "Juice - An intuitive, elegant, and lightweight Zola theme for product s
# Whether to automatically compile all Sass files in the sass directory
# Whether to automatically compile all Sass files in the sass directory
compile_sass = true
compile_sass = true
# Whether to build a search index to be used later on by a JavaScript library
build_search_index = false
# Configuration of the Markdown rendering
# Whether to do syntax highlighting
# Whether to do syntax highlighting
# Theme can be customised by setting the `highlight_theme` variable to a theme supported by Zola
# Theme can be customised by setting the `highlight_theme` variable to a theme supported by Zola
highlight_code = true
highlight_code = true
highlight_theme = "inspired-github"
highlight_theme = "inspired-github"
# Whether to build a search index to be used later on by a JavaScript library
build_search_index = false
juice_logo_name = "Juice"
juice_logo_name = "Juice"
juice_logo_path = "juice.svg"
juice_logo_path = "juice.svg"
juice_extra_menu = [
juice_extra_menu = [
{ title = "Github", link = "https://github.com/huhu/juice" }
{ title = "Github", link = "https://github.com/huhu/juice" }
repository_url = "https://github.com/huhu/juice"
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
title = "DNS Witch"
title = "Juice"
sort_by = "weight"
sort_by = "weight"
# DNS Witch
# Juice
**Juice** is an intuitive, elegant, and responsive Zola theme for product sites.
**Juice** is an intuitive, elegant, and responsive Zola theme for product sites.
@ -40,10 +40,9 @@ theme = "juice"
### Hero
### Hero
**Juice** is designed for product websites, hence we let **hero** part fills whole of screen.
**Juice** is designed for product websites, hence we let **hero** part fills whole of screen.
You can customize your **hero** by using `hero` block in the `templates/index.html`.
You can customize your **hero** by using `hero` block in the `index.html`.
{% extends "juice/templates/index.html" %}
{% block hero %}
{% block hero %}
Your cool hero html...
Your cool hero html...
@ -88,15 +87,6 @@ You can override theme variable by creating a file named `_variables.html` in yo
### Favicon
{% extends "juice/templates/index.html" %}
{% block favicon %}
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/favicon.ico">
{% endblock favicon %}
# Configuration
# Configuration
You can customize some builtin property in `config.toml` file:
You can customize some builtin property in `config.toml` file:
@ -108,17 +98,8 @@ juice_logo_path = "juice.svg"
juice_extra_menu = [
juice_extra_menu = [
{ title = "Github", link = "https://github.com/huhu/juice"}
{ title = "Github", link = "https://github.com/huhu/juice"}
repository_url = "https://github.com/huhu/juice"
# Shortcodes
**Juice** have some builtin shortcodes available in `templates/shortcodes` directory.
- `issue(id)` - A shortcode to render issue url, e.g. `issue(id=1)` would render to the link `https://github.com/huhu/juice/issue/1`.
> The `repository_url` is required.
# Showcases
# Showcases
Please see the [showcases page](/showcases).
Please see the [showcases page](/showcases).
@ -4,40 +4,59 @@ description = "Changelog"
weight = 2
weight = 2
# v0.6.0 - 2021-10-05
# v0.7 - 2020-07-01
- Add `favicon` block.
- Introduction 1
- Always align footer bottom. {{ issue(id=4) }}
- New Features:
- Support config favicon. Fixes {{ issue(id=5) }}.
- feature 1
- Table of Content supports auto-scroll if the list is too long.
- Bugfix:
- Fix bug #10
- Fix bug #11
# v0.5.0 - 2021-03-02
# v0.6 - 2020-06-01
- Add `issue` shortcode.
- Introduction 1
- Add `sidebar` block.
- New Features:
- Adjust blockquote background color.
- feature 1
- Fix explore-more class left align.
- Bugfix:
- Fix bug #8
- Fix bug #9
# v0.4.0 - 2020-11-18
# v0.5 - 2020-05-01
- Prevent showcase images be included by downstream Zola project.
- Introduction 1
- Fix TOC highlight in localhost mode. See {{ issue(id=1) }}.
- New Features:
- Hide TOC for empty markdown content page.
- feature 1
- Bugfix:
- Fix bug #6
- Fix bug #7
# v0.3.0 - 2020-07-17
# v0.4 - 2020-04-01
- Rename css filename to avoid conflicts.
- Introduction 1
- Replace sass variables with css variable.
- New Features:
- Add `--toc-highlight-text-color` variable.
- feature 1
- Add normalize.css.
- Bugfix:
- Fix bug #4
- Fix bug #5
# v0.2.0 - 2020-06-28
# v0.3 - 2020-03-01
- Add extra juice_extra_menu config.
- Introduction 1
- Add color customization CSS variables.
- New Features:
- Improve docs and blockquote style.
- feature 1
- Support customize logo and name.
- Bugfix:
- Fix bug #2
- Fix bug #3
# v0.1.0 - 2020-06-21
# v0.2 - 2020-02-04
- Introduction 1
- New Features:
- feature 1
- Bugfix:
- Fix bug #1
# v0.1 - 2020-01-01
- First release!
- First release!
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 141 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 267 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 601 KiB |
@ -11,89 +11,34 @@ If you use **Juice** as your theme, feel free to make Pull request.
Here are some steps to help you get started:
Here are some steps to help you get started:
- Change the [content/showcases.md](https://github.com/huhu/juice/blob/master/content/showcases.md) file, add your product site. Make sure the lexicographical order.
- Change the [content/showcases.md](https://github.com/huhu/juice/blob/master/content/showcases.md) file, add your product site. Make sure the lexicographical order.
- Add your screenshots to [content](https://github.com/huhu/juice/tree/master/static/showcases) directory, then link the screenshot in the markdown file.
- Add a link to your product site.
- Add a link to your product site.
# Gallery
# Gallery
Here are some product websites which use **Juice** as the theme.
Here are some product websites which use **Juice** as the theme.
Sort by lexicographical order. For more showcases, please visit [here](https://github.com/search?l=&p=1&q=theme+%3D+%22juice%22+filename%3Aconfig.toml&ref=advsearch&type=Code).
Sort by lexicographical order.
## Arara
## Angular Rust
## C/C++ Search Extension
## C/C++ Search Extension

## Drogue IOT
Link: [https://cpp.extension.sh/](https://cpp.extension.sh/)
## El Monitorro
## Godot-rust
## GoToFix (JP)
## Go Search Extension
## Go Search Extension

## Gradecoin
Link: [https://go.extension.sh/](https://go.extension.sh/)
## Insta.rs
## Instant markdown
## ImpftHessen (DE)
## JS Search Extension
## JS Search Extension

Link: [https://js.extension.sh/](https://js.extension.sh/)
## Rust Search Extension
## Rust Search Extension

## Stitcherd
Link: [https://rust.extension.sh/](https://rust.extension.sh/)
## Streamson
## Tokay lang
## Trunk
## Vidar
## zDevelopers
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ main {
.toc-item a, .toc-item-child a {
.toc-item a, .toc-item-child a {
color: var(--secondary-text-color);
color: var(--toc-text-color);
&:hover {
&:hover {
cursor: pointer;
cursor: pointer;
Normal file
@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
:root {
:root {
/* Primary theme color */
/* Primary theme color */
--primary-color: #FED43F;
--primary-color: #B34FCC;
/* Primary theme text color */
/* Primary theme text color */
--primary-text-color: #543631;
--primary-text-color: #0c040b;
/* Primary theme link color */
/* Primary theme link color */
--primary-link-color: #F9BB2D;
--primary-link-color: blue;
/* Secondary color: the background body color */
/* Secondary color: the background body color */
--secondary-color: #fcfaf6;
--secondary-color: #f8f8f2;
--secondary-text-color: #303030;
--secondary-text-color: #303030;
/* Highlight text color of table of content */
/* Highlight text color of table of content */
--toc-highlight-text-color: #d46e13;
--toc-text-color: #68615b;
--toc-highlight-text-color: #000000;
@ -27,13 +27,13 @@
{% block hero %}
{% block hero %}
<section class="text-center">
<section class="text-center">
<h1 class="heading-text" style="font-size: 50px">
<h1 class="heading-text" style="font-size: 50px">
Collectif, sortilèges et Internet
Invoquez votre domaine
<h3 class="title-text">
<h3 class="title-text">
<b>DNS Witch</b> est un collectif de bénévoles souhaitant rendre accessibles des services liés à Internet.
DNS Witch rend les domaines .eu.org accessibles.
<img class="hero-image" style="width: 50%" src="{{ get_url(path="img/undraw_group_hangout_-5-gmq.svg") }}">
<img class="hero-image" style="width: 50%" src="{{ get_url(path="images/undraw_link_shortener_mvf6.svg") }}">
<div class="explore-more text"
<div class="explore-more text"
onclick="document.getElementById('features').scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'})">
onclick="document.getElementById('features').scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'})">
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
{% block footer %}
{% block footer %}
<small class="subtext">
<small class="subtext">
<a href="https://dns-witch.eu.org">DNS Witch</a>
<a href="https://dns-witch.eu.org">DNS-Witch</a>
{% endblock footer %}
{% endblock footer %}