Update site structure

This commit is contained in:
June 2022-02-02 02:40:11 +01:00
parent 9b946e84e3
commit ea76df72b2
4 changed files with 10 additions and 249 deletions

View file

@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ highlight_code = false
# Put all your custom variables here
juice_logo_name = "DNS Witch"
juice_logo_name = ""
juice_logo_path = "static/img/undraw_web_browsing_p77h.svg"
repository_url = "https://git.familier.net.eu.org/dns-witch/dns-witch.eu.org.git"

View file

@ -1,133 +1,18 @@
title = "DNSWitch"
title = "DNS Witch"
sort_by = "weight"
# DNS Witch
**Juice** is an intuitive, elegant, and responsive Zola theme for product sites.
**DNS** Witch est un collectif de bénévoles souhaitant rendre accessibles des services liés à Internet.
- Build for product sites
- Simple and intuitive structure
- Clean and elegant design
- Responsive and mobile device compatible
- Customize and extend friendly
# La praxis
Il existe plusieurs initiatives ayant pour but de rendre aux citoyens·citoyennes des espaces libres et gratuits sur Internet. Cependant, une bonne partie de ces services ne sont accessibles quà des personnes ayant déjà les connaissances techniques requises ou ayant le temps de les acquérir. Les projets menés par le collectif sont conçus pour se positionner entre les utilisateurs·utilisatrices et les offres disponibles, afin de leur en faciliter laccès. Opérant sur notre temps libre, nous essayons de mettre en place des solutions simples, demandant peu de maintenance.
# Installation
# Les services
## DNSWitch, des noms de domaines pour toustes
Actuellement, le projet sur lequel nous travaillons le plus est DNS Witch, qui offre aux personnes sans bagage technique la possibilité dobtenir des noms de domaines gratuits.
> **Zola** is a prerequisite. Please refer to the [Zola installation](https://www.getzola.org/documentation/getting-started/installation/) docs.
First download this theme to your `themes` directory:
$ cd themes
$ git clone https://github.com/huhu/juice.git
or add as a submodule
$ git submodule add https://github.com/huhu/juice themes/juice
and then enable it in your `config.toml`:
theme = "juice"
# Structure
### Hero
**Juice** is designed for product websites, hence we let **hero** part fills whole of screen.
You can customize your **hero** by using `hero` block in the `templates/index.html`.
{% extends "juice/templates/index.html" %}
{% block hero %}
Your cool hero html...
{% endblock hero %}
### Page
Every markdown file located in `content` directory will become a **Page**. There also will display as
a navigate link on the top-right corner.
You can change the frontmatter's `weight` value to sort the order (ascending order).
title = "Changelog"
description = "Changelog"
weight = 2
### CSS variables
You can override theme variable by creating a file named `_variables.html` in your `templates` directory.
:root {
/* Primary theme color */
--primary-color: #FED43F;
/* Primary theme text color */
--primary-text-color: #543631;
/* Primary theme link color */
--primary-link-color: #F9BB2D;
/* Secondary color: the background body color */
--secondary-color: #fcfaf6;
--secondary-text-color: #303030;
/* Highlight text color of table of content */
--toc-highlight-text-color: #d46e13;
### Favicon
{% extends "juice/templates/index.html" %}
{% block favicon %}
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/favicon.ico">
{% endblock favicon %}
# Configuration
You can customize some builtin property in `config.toml` file:
juice_logo_name = "Juice"
juice_logo_path = "juice.svg"
juice_extra_menu = [
{ title = "Github", link = "https://github.com/huhu/juice"}
repository_url = "https://github.com/huhu/juice"
# Shortcodes
**Juice** have some builtin shortcodes available in `templates/shortcodes` directory.
- `issue(id)` - A shortcode to render issue url, e.g. `issue(id=1)` would render to the link `https://github.com/huhu/juice/issue/1`.
> The `repository_url` is required.
# Showcases
Please see the [showcases page](/showcases).
# Contributing
Thank you very much for considering contributing to this project!
We appreciate any form of contribution:
- New issues (feature requests, bug reports, questions, ideas, ...)
- Pull requests (documentation improvements, code improvements, new features, ...)
## Grimoire
Nous travaillons également sur un second projet, Grimoire, une plateforme dhébergement de sites statiques.

View file

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
title = "About"
description = "About"
weight = 3
# Juice
**Juice** is an intuitive, elegant, and responsive Zola theme for product sites.
Built by [Huhu.io](https://huhu.io), adopted by a several product sites.
# Logo
# Zola
[Zola](https://www.getzola.org) is a fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in.
# Huhu.io
[Huhu.io](https://huhu.io) is a global community of coders dedicated to making cool stuff coders need and want.
We focus on enabling the developer community by curating, incubating, and launching tools based on great ideas,
providing support and funding that allows our engineers to develop what they want, the way they want.

View file

@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
title = "Showcases"
description = "Showcases"
weight = 1
# Pull request
If you use **Juice** as your theme, feel free to make Pull request.
Here are some steps to help you get started:
- Change the [content/showcases.md](https://github.com/huhu/juice/blob/master/content/showcases.md) file, add your product site. Make sure the lexicographical order.
- Add a link to your product site.
# Gallery
Here are some product websites which use **Juice** as the theme.
Sort by lexicographical order. For more showcases, please visit [here](https://github.com/search?l=&p=1&q=theme+%3D+%22juice%22+filename%3Aconfig.toml&ref=advsearch&type=Code).
## Arara
## Angular Rust
## C/C++ Search Extension
## Drogue IOT
## El Monitorro
## Godot-rust
## GoToFix (JP)
## Go Search Extension
## Gradecoin
## Insta.rs
## Instant markdown
## ImpftHessen (DE)
## JS Search Extension
## Rust Search Extension
## Stitcherd
## Streamson
## Tokay lang
## Trunk
## Vidar
## zDevelopers